letters from fans.

we love receiving snail mail from our disciples, but these contemporary, à la mode idols are so busy interning, clubbing, and running our philanthropy, we can't respond to each of you individually. our time is valuable; therefore, in lieu of replying to your heartwarming messages of hope and love, we will exalt ourselves by publishing your adulations right here on the blog! 

"Holy shit, I am so excited for this. It's like the Real Housewives meets House of Cards. Real House of Cards?"
-Sam L.

"MTV-inspired "interns" who document their clubbing and beauty tips? What could be more socially and politically relevant?"
-Shayna P.

"Wow! I haven't even read it, yet I feel I've already learned something." 
-Charles L.

"The Capitol Hills is the greatest... I love it so much."
-Madeline W.

"So are you really on an mtv show?!"
-Megan Y.

"But who made those promo pictures for capitol hills? That is SKILL."
-Priyanka A.

"I love the picture y'all chose for that, so legit... it sounds like this is a pretty serious blog."
-Peter D.

"Your guys' blog is ridiculous."
-Nick A.

"Hahahaha this is not real life.."
-Chris F.

"What what what is going on in D.C. with you haha? Aka Capitol Hills... It's given me some Lolz."
-Jonathon B.

"Hahaha yessssss. I just started reading it, but so far I'm loving it. I love your internship descriptions and quotes." 
-Ryane W.

"Hahahahahaha your internships sound really tough. I don't know how you handle the stress"
-Nick A.

You should seriously send this in to MTV... Job application!"
-Priyanka A.

"Y'all need to spice up the romance. Sex sells in the entertainment biz."
-Nick A.

"Your blog is incriminating."
-Chris F.

"You're already hitting the creep factor with the number of pictures of random dudes out on a Monday night... If I took a tablet to a bar and took pictures of people I'd get arrested." 
-Nick A.

"Hahahhaha You guys are awesome."
-Madeline W.

"'Maybe a couple bottles of prescription club drugs later' is the funniest thing I've ever read."
-Charles L.

"The Capitol Hills is what I most look forward to seeing on my social media. Keep up the great bloggin', hoes." 
-Katelyn S.

are you in awe of our celebrity lifestyle? appreciative of our invaluable tips and tricks for being exactly like us? do you idolize our avante-garde music productions?

send us your devotions-- thecapitolhills.MTV@gmail.com, and you could be featured on the blog.

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